Bournemouth University Fusion Building
Photon Energy installed a 95.22 kWp photovoltaic (PV) system on Bournemouth University’s Fusion building. The flagship building, at the heart of the Talbot Campus, was opened September 2016.
The PV system consists of 276 SunPower 345 Wp high efficiency modules and SMA 3 phase inverters. 206 modules were mounted on a K2 aluminium frame on the octagon shaped standing seam roof. The arrays of PV were carefully installed in order to provide a magnificent aerial view of the roof.
Additionally, on the top level flat roof of the building, 70 modules were mounted to a bespoke frame system allowing for integration with a plant room screen. The bespoke screen was designed by the main contractor, Willmott Dixon, in collaboration with Photon Energy. This innovative design enabled the black Sunpower modules to blend seamlessly with the plant screen, which enhanced the aesthetic finish of the building.
The system will generate 102,060 kWh/year and save 53 tCO₂/year. Its performance is monitored online by the University via SMA’s ‘Sunny Portal’.
Abu Luswata, Senior Engineer of Photon Energy, said, “It was an interesting engineering challenge to integrate solar panels into the innovative architectural design of the building. We were pleased to complete the project on time and ultimately the client was very satisfied with the end result. ”
Equipment summary:
System size: 95.22 kWp
Energy generation: 102,060 kWh/year
Carbon emissions saving: 53 tCO₂/year.
PV modules: SunPower 345 Wp
Inverters: SMA
Mounting System: K2 Systems