Solar PV for New Build Housing
installing solar PV for the UK’s Leading house builders since 2006
Photon Energy has an excellent track record installing photovoltaic solar panels on new build projects. We work alongside house builders and main contractors, as well as architects and M&E contractors to ensure our solar PV systems are designed to optimise their performance. Over recent years we have worked with the majority of the UK's top 20 house builders and installed over 10 MW of solar PV across 120 different housing projects. Read more.
Our clients benefit by involving us early in their housing developments as we can advise on the suitability of different technology options and ensure these are designed effectively into the project. We can also help in meeting SAP or other essential planning obligations.
We schedule the installation of solar panels to fit around the construction programme, and are flexible enough to accommodate the inevitable changes. This ensures that we deliver our part of the works efficiently and effectively. Our clients pride themselves for being at the forefront of sustainable, low carbon homes.
Our customers include:
Major housebuilders: Aquinna Homes, Bellway, Berkeley Group, Bloor Homes, Bouygues UK, Bovis, Charles Church, Countryside, Galliford Try, Hill, Keepmoat, Lovell, Persimmon, Taylor Wimpey and ZeroC Holdings.
Recent new build solar projects: